Repair of all original Mercedes-Benz Comand Online multimedia and navigation equipment. A204 900 48 14. You can request a quote by filling in the contact form or by leaving a comment below.
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Repair of all original Mercedes-Benz Comand Online multimedia and navigation equipment. A204 900 48 14. You can request a quote by filling in the contact form or by leaving a comment below.
We have a comand ntg 4.5 that doesnt turn on anymore.
The on button is lit, but that is the only thing that works.
Do you think you can fix it and what will it cost?
Best regards
Erik Monahan
We are a car stereo dealer and have lots of theese problems for the future:)
Hi, thanks for contact with JYSA. We can solve the problem but I have to check it first. If you are interested, please contact by email to or via Whatsapp to 644 918 690. Thanks.
NTG4.7 G class Command Navi communication failure has occurred. Is it repairable? Also how much is it?
Hi, thanks for contact with JYSA. I’ll send you an email. Regards.