Jysa Electronic equipment repair technical service.
Jysa electronic services, is a company that currently has expanded with two aspects in terms of electronics, one dedicated to the repair of electronic equipment and the second to the sale of original spare parts for professional electronic repair, always trying to satisfy all our customers. The customers needs to give the best service to theirs. Although we were born as a small technical service, our dedication and professionalism has made it possible for us to achieve any goal in this changing world.
Our experience in the repair of vehicle equipment has prepared us to be able to repair any electronic equipment present in any class of these on the market. Likewise, our extensive experience in electronic equipment repair prepared us for the repair of computer equipment that is increasingly present in our professional and personal lives.
With our experience with European, American and Asian suppliers, we decided to offer a select series of hard-to-reach parts that enable our customers and partners to perform quality repairs.
There's no need to bring your damaged equipment to us personally. If you're geographically far or simply, it's more convenient for you to send it to us by carrier, you can send it by the agency you want. If you prefer that we send the transport to collect, let us know by clicking HERE.
Our continuous development in the repair of the last equipment generation, takes us into an electronic world that changes day by day, developing collaboration agreements with other technical services around the planet, avoiding being left behind.
Quality and speed with reasonable prices.

In a world that is increasingly ecological and concerned about the economy. The repair and good maintenance of electronic equipment is increasingly important, therefore our technicians are expanding their knowledge to cover more repair coverage in the field of computers, hifi, car-audio and professional sound.Our commitment to the quality and durability of the repairs carried out is our best guarantee. More than 20 years of experience guarantee our services.
Sale of spare parts.
The products offered vary from spare parts for professional mixing consoles, to complete navigation equipment of the most popular car brands, through mechanical sets, optics, accessories for car-audio, …